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English Exercises
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That's my fault.

I'm so sorry.

How do you do?

What's up?

Can you tell me your name?

D'you know Paris?

Could you please open the door?

Would you help me?

If you ask me, I don't agree.

Personally, I think it is blue.

Have a nice day.

See you.

If I were you, I'd call him.

Why don't you walk the dog?

Could you help me for a second?

I need some help, please.

Don't forget to do it.

Remember to do it.

It's probably going to rain.

It's quite likely that she will come.

I'm a big fan of rock music.

I like pizza.

I hate it.

I'm not too keen on the idea.

You're coming along well.

Come on, you can do it.

Absolutely not.

No way.

I'd never have guessed.

What a surprise.

I'm worried about global warming.

I'm scared about the future.

I really appreciate it.

Thank you.

That's for sure.

I think so too.

I don't agree.

I'm not sure about that.

No doubt.

It's unlikely to rain.