1.This Tense is used to talk about actions in progress.
2.We don't need to write the "Verb To Be".
3.He _____ working now.
4.Sarah and Peter _____ going home.
5.The main verb is always written with ING in the end.
6.She _____ too fast.
7.I _____ the truth.
8.Vanesa _____ dinner.
9.Are you _____ TV?
10.We _____ the guitar together.
11.I am writing _____.
12.My cat is _____ fish.
13._____ now?
14.This Tense is also used to talk about the future.
15.Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?
16.Which of the following sentences refers to a future plan?
17.They _____ living here.
18.It _____ in Alaska.
19.I _____ a cake.
20.Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?